Elemental Definition: Air represents Intellect, Mental Intention, and Connection to Universal Life Force. It is a tangible and unseen aspect which is constantly moving, relating to knowledge, action, power and change.


Bringing Your Focus To the Space Between. To The Space Where Your Power Resides.

  • Mindfulness.

    Bringing you out of your head, anxieties, chronic stress, or perseverations - and into your heart, the space between, the present.

    Integrating Mindfulness practice into your daily routine helps to alleviate symptoms of “adrenal fatigue” , increase resilience and joy, and strengthen relationships - starting with our relationship with ourselves and our own intuition.

  • Breathwork.

    Breathing is something we all do subconsciously to survive. However, our breath holds much more power and function than mere air exchange.

    When we learn to get in touch with our breath and to allow prana, or life force, to flow through us consciously, we are also practicing biofeedback and self regulation (the “yama” in “pranayama”). This is an important skill to master when we feel either emotionally stuck or emotionally liable.

    Afterall, Emotion is ‘Energy in Motion’. When we consciously practice breath regulation, we allow those emotions to move. Where they are stuck, they can flow. And where they are imbalanced, we consciously observe and begin to self-attune.

    Breath is more than a biological function, it’s a tool to our own inner awareness and ability to self-heal.

  • Sound Healing.

    The Universe is alive with vibration. There is nothing made of energy or matter which does not oscillate and vibrate. Scientifically, vibration is described as a form of energy expressed through physical oscillations in the form of amplitude and frequency. These oscillations carry information which can be stored or applied.

    Sound waves contain information which when applied, can exert a physical reaction to energy or matter with which they interact. This is evidenced by the study of Cymatics, a subset of the science of Modal Phenomena.

    Sound healing is yet another tool we use to bring ourselves into the present moment. It can be applied to facilitate or deepen a meditative state, heighten intuition, or merely allow your brain waves to slow and bring you into a parasympathetic, relaxed state. In this state, our body is able to heal, regenerate, and function optimally.